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Tag: something

Articles tagged as Something

Hi Home Exchange, Good-Bye Expensive Vacations

Posted on September 6, 2024 by William Anderson
Ever sit with a friend as she recites an exciting story of her romantic vacation in Mexico? You might have found yourself zoning out, watching the movie in your mind of lying on the beach sipping tropical drinks beside your hubby wearing his seductive Speedos.Admiring her golden complexion you ponder, "I couldn't possibly afford a vacation right now," as she hands you photos of her adventurous hike through the Mayan ruins...

Vacationing on Cozumel Island

Posted on July 7, 2023 by William Anderson
Cozumel an island paradise visited and adored by travelers from around the world.It isn't just the stunning white sandy beaches that circle the island or the almost perfect all year round vacation weather, neither is it the plentiful way to obtain lodging, international food and selection of entertainment options that bring travelers back again and again.Cozumel may be the scuba diver's paradise containing a good amount of coral reefs, brightly painted fish and superior waters...

A Quick Tour of Spain

Posted on September 20, 2022 by William Anderson
With over fifty million tourists visiting Spain each year, this popular West European country must have something special which attracts the visitor.Just what is it.?The main beauty of this lovely land can be summed up in only one word - variety - and, as you all well know, variety is the spice of life!Whether you're referring to its climate, geography, history, culture or cuisine.there is something to appeal to all tastes, ages and pockets...